what is computer virus?

what is virus?

    Biologically, a virus is defined as a tiny scrap of genetic code that attack a living cell and produces replication of itself.

    what is computer virus?

what is computer virus?
    what is computer virus?

        computer virus is a small program that attacke itself to another program and often attacks software by making companies of itself. like biological viruses. it can also be spread from one computer to anther computer easily , it is harmful for system it can defect the overall system very easy , after attack by the virus the system slowly damage day by day. 
A PC infection, similar as a seasonal infection, is intended to spread from one host to another and can duplicate itself. Additionally, similarly that seasonal infections can't duplicate without a host cell, PC infections can't recreate and spread without programming like a record or archive.

In more specialized terms, a PC infection is a sort of malignant code or program written to change the manner in which a PC works and is intended to spread starting with one PC then onto the next. An infection works by embedding or joining itself to a genuine program or report that upholds macros to execute its code. Simultaneously, an infection can possibly cause unforeseen or harming impacts, for example, hurting the framework programming by tainting or obliterating information.
   A computer virus is a program that replication itself by attaching itself to another program .
the latest count includes thousands of viruses. which have infected the computers.
A virus program often small such as consist of a few line of programming   code that can be easily hidden in another healthy program. they may infected in any microcomputer and are transmitted to another when and affected disk is used. 
computer viruses may be harmless and do nothing more than to display a short message or they may be malignant which destroy or alter data.


There are many companies in the US that sell computer software to protect computer system from virus infections. these include program with names like Toolkit. VIRUS-SCAN , VACCINE , etc.
Anti-virus programs use virus signature to detect known computer viruses. A virus signature is a series of hexadecimal codes that uniquely identify a virus by updating signature file, we can enable Anti-Virus to detect new Virus. 

How Computer Virus attack ?

Computer Virus attack when an infection has effectively joined to a program, record, or archive, the infection will lie torpid until conditions make the PC or gadget execute its code. For an infection to contaminate your PC, you need to run the tainted program, which thus causes the infection code to be executed.

This implies that an infection can stay lethargic on your PC, without giving significant indications or side effects. In any case, when the infection taints your PC, the infection can contaminate different PCs on a similar organization. Taking passwords or information, logging keystrokes, ruining documents, spamming your email contacts, and surprisingly assuming control over your machine are only a portion of the staggering and bothering things an infection can do.

While some infections can be lively in purpose and impact, others can have significant and harming impacts. This incorporates eradicating information or making super durable harm your hard circle. More terrible yet, some infections are planned considering monetary benefits.

How Virus are spread in computer?

Virus are spread continually associated world, you can get a PC infection in numerous ways, some more clear than others. Infections can be spread through email and instant message connections, Internet document downloads, and online media trick joins. Your cell phones and cell phones can become contaminated with portable infections through obscure application downloads. Infections can stow away camouflaged as connections of socially shareable substance like amusing pictures, welcoming cards, or sound and video documents.

To stay away from contact with an infection, it's critical to practice alert while riding the web, downloading documents, and opening connections or connections. To assist with remaining safe, never download text or email connections that you're not expecting, or documents from sites you don't confide in.